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WorkingHoliday-Sicilia: Immagine
WorkingHoliday-Sicilia: Servizi


Un tirocinio a stretto contatto

con i cani di strada 

Andiamo in supporto alle amministrazione e alle associazioni/volontari presenti sul territorio per studiare e monitorare la situazione randagismo. Lavoriamo in supporto alle associazioni che ci hanno contattato, e a cui faremo riferimento per il tipo di lavoro da svolgere sul territorio e per la scelta dei cani da seguire, agevolando le procedure gestionali con nuove tecniche e strumenti.

I risultati del lavoro svolto e le tecniche messe in atto vengono poi consegnate alle associazioni per far si che possano portare avanti il progetto in maniera autonoma, e migliorare la situazione sul territorio.
Lavoriamo nel rispetto della quiete e della privacy dei cani, per questo tutti i partecipanti firmano un documento di

non utilizzo di materiale fotografico e video.



We believe that there cannot be a fixed scheme or a modus operandi for all the realities where stray dogs are present, but that only by being on that particular territory and knowing the reality of that place, talking to the people who live there and share it with dogs, we will be able to find solutions to any problems, which will be effective for that place, but which cannot be replicated in another reality where there are different conditions. This is why our work requires knowledge of the area in order to then understand how to act.
The participants in the working holidays will be selected through the registration form where we ask why a person wants to participate and the work and non-work experiences they have had previously. Those who will be selected and participate in the working holidays will be prepared and instructed in the field work and considered a valuable aid at the level of people necessary to carry out activities that necessarily require a large work group.
The planning of the field activities is the result of experience gained over the years of work in LIFE projects in National Parks and wildlife recovery centers, as well as 4 years of pilot project in Morocco.
Considering the social side of stray animals very important, and believing that it is also on a human level, we decided that the working week must also be a group and knowledge experience between people, in order to exchange, in a stimulating environment, life ideas and experiences. For this reason we believe it is essential to include moments of leisure, knowledge of the area where we will be and human confrontation during the week, hence the word HOLIDAY!

duration: 1 week

Number of participants: minimum 8, maximum 10

WorkingHoliday-Sicilia: Video


A causa della pandemia di Covid-19 le nostre attività sul campo sono state sospese. Se desideri comunque mandarci le tue info e iscriverti così anche alla nostra newsletter, procedi pure nella compilazione del modulo sottostante come indicato. 

Fill out the form below in its entirety, we will evaluate your application and let you know as soon as possible. We are looking for adaptable, collaborative and interested people to deepen the knowledge of a reality still little known as that of stray dogs

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WorkingHoliday-Sicilia: Modulo delle recensioni
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